ZEN+ is a community-focused organization that connects artists and promotes a modern, sustainable, affordable, high-tech, healthy, and nature-connected lifestyle. The underlying thread of all our activities is the art and artistic beauty, and we approach everything with a minimalist mindset.

One of the ways we support artists is through our art residencies, which are offered in both Slovenia and south east India. Our residencies provide artists with a dedicated space to focus on their craft, as well as the opportunity to connect with other artists and immerse themselves in new cultures. We believe that this kind of supportive and inspiring environment is crucial for artistic growth and development.

In addition to our residencies, we have also published a number of creative iOS apps, including the interactive fairytale 'The Little Mermaid And Her Dolphin', as well as 'Paint Easter Egg' and 'Decorate Christmas Tree'. We have many more apps in the works and are excited to continue sharing our love of art with a wider audience.

One of our latest projects is the creation of NFT art collections on the Cardano blockchain. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a unique and innovative way for artists to showcase and sell their work online. By using blockchain technology, we are able to provide a secure and trustworthy platform for artists to share and sell their art to collectors around the world.

ZEN+ is made up of two entities: ZEN+ LTD, a company registered in the United Kingdom, and ZEN+ Art Society, a society registered in Slovenia. Through both ZEN+ LTD and ZEN+ Art Society, we hope to inspire and support artists in all of our endeavors. Our goal is to create a vibrant and supportive community for artists to connect, grow, and thrive.